Sponsored Goalkeepers
Become an AGK Pro Sponsored Goalkeeper
Looking for a glove sponsor?
If you are a goalkeeper who likes creating and sharing goalkeeping content on social media, then Advantage Goalkeeping's Sponsored Goalkeeper Program is for you!
If you are accepted into the AGK Pro Sponsored Goalkeepers program, you will be provided with your own personalized discount code to share on your social media accounts and with other goalkeepers.
When your code is used, goalkeepers save 10% and you earn a 10% commission.
Important details:
- Not all goalkeepers will be accepted. See the 'Please Read' note below.
- Goalkeepers are expected to post weekly to social media and mention/tag Advantage Goalkeeping.
- Sponsored goalkeepers receive a 25% discount on up to (6) pairs of AGK Pro gloves per year.
- Sponsored goalkeepers will receive free Advantage Goalkeeping branded training gear.
- Sponsored goalkeepers will have the opportunity to test new AGK Pro gloves during development or prior to release, free of charge.
Ready to get started?
Click here to let us know you're interested in receiving additional information.
PLEASE READ: To become an AGK Pro sponsored goalkeeper you must already be regularly posting goalkeeper content to social media weekly.
If you have less than (4) posts per month in each of the previous (6) months, you will not be accepted.
We will only be responding to goalkeepers who meet our requirements.